Meet a member – Amanda

Tell us a little about yourself.

I live in London with my husband. As I work full time sewing and quilting is a weekend activity. I can be found on Flickr and Instagram at Metroquilter, tag line ‘Modern quilter. Stash builder’.

What inspired you to start quilting?

Despite having not sewn since 1 was 13, when I had my last school needlework class, I had often thought I would like to make a quilt someday.  The big inspiration came in May 2010 with the Quilts exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum.  As well as being inspired by the exhibition I took a free workshop and learnt how to make a 9 patch block by hand.  As I didn’t have a sewing machine at the time my first quilt was pieced and quilted by hand.  I was inspired by a quilt in Kaffe Fassett’s book, Simple Shapes Stunning Quilts, and made a half square triangle quilt in blue and white.  It was 3,000 triangles pieced by hand and took me 2 years to make.  I then bought a machine, joined the LMQG, discovered the online quilting community and became hooked on quilting.


What is your favourite tool or notion?

 I couldn’t do without my iPad in the sewing room. I get most of my inspiration from the internet; following blogs, reading tutorials and following other quilters on Instagram.

What is your favourite fabric right now?

I’m a Lotta Jansdotter fan and have Glimma lined up for my next quilt.  Carolyn Freilander is another favourite; Artitextures is in the stash and I have my eye on her new Botanics range.  I also love Lizzy House’s pearl bracelets and I use it in my Diamond ring quilt (pattern by Green Bee).

ImageWhats your pet hate?

Ironing.  Why does sewing require so much ironing?

Tea or coffee?


Do you stick to one project at a time or have several on the go?

A quick tally reveals:

3 quilts in production

2 quilts where the fabric is bought and design decided

1 bag in production

2 other projects waiting to go from fabric to finish.

Normally the list, as well as quilts, includes bags, cushions and pouches:


ImageWhat are your vices?

See above.

Hand or machine quilting?

Wither.  I mainly straight line machine quilt; free motion quilting is on my ‘must learn’ list.

What’s your favourite film?

The Champ.  Years since I’ve seen it though.  Guaranteed blubbing, every time.

Favourite band?

Bruce and the E street band, can’t beat the Boss.

What do you do when you’re not quilting?

As well as quilting I also enjoy cycling.  In the winter though you will find that the sewing machine wins over the bike every time!

First live band?

Deacon Blue some time in the 80’s.





2 responses to “Meet a member – Amanda”

  1. Charlotte avatar

    Ahhh, Deacon Blue. I really fancied them 😉

  2. Judy avatar

    I really love the Summersville cushion. This is one of my absolute favourite fabrics and I love the shape of the coloured patches in your cushion. I bought some of the Summersville fabrics with a view to making a whole quilt but I’ve already used most of it up for smaller projects because I just couldn’t resist it. It seems to go with everything – modern and more traditional

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