Quilt Improv by Lucie Summers

ImageLucie’s fabulous new book, Quilt Improv landed in my Library last week and I have been pouring over it ever since!  I love Lucie’s fabrics and very much enjoyed her porthole quilting class at the Fat Quarterly retreat, as did everyone who took the class.

ImageThe book starts with an introduction into  what improv quilting is and then followed by some wonderful blocks that can be made and built upon.  Lots of techniques used from applique, chain piecing, crazy patching and her signature porthole blocks.


10 fabulous quilt, all well explained with full colour drawings and tips.  Lots of information on pressing, assembly, quilting and finishing.

ImageAnd there is also a little on labeling a quilt, I know I had a ball when we all went along to Lucie’s quilt screen printing class.  I would really recommend this book to every one, lots of information for a new quilter and gives great inspiration to anyone like me who loves to stick to straight lines!






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