Welcome to the London Modern Quilt Guild

The London Modern Quilt Guild is launching! If you’re interested in joining a group of quilters that are passionate about modern quilting, please get in touch.

The Modern Quilt Guild is made up of over 100 guilds across the country and world. Our mission is to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community.






18 responses to “Welcome to the London Modern Quilt Guild”

  1. raven1968 avatar

    HI from the Norwich UK MQG maybe we can do some swaps.

    1. londonmqg avatar

      Yay! That sounds great.

  2. Rosie Epton-Peter avatar
    Rosie Epton-Peter

    Would love to join, although Im 80 odd miles away! Dont know of any closer ones and am desperate to join such a group. What are the plans for meetings?

    1. londonmqg avatar

      Hi Rosie! Looks like there are two other guilds in the UK – Norwich and East Midlands (see the links on the right column here: http://themodernquiltguild.com/) Don’t know if one is closer? I’m hoping we’ll start meeting in the New Year and decide what kinds of meetups members are interested in.

  3. raven1968 avatar

    Don;t think east mids is working anymore. I know their link isn’t but I/we in Norwich are happy to do internet and posting. We;re about to do a wonky star quilt and would love people to join in making blocks . We can supply fabric if people will help make them .
    Might be good to meet online and chat as well or if someone can do streamingl inky ?
    gosh the opportunities are endless.
    Xmas is coming and that means a bit more time to go and sew. ( yeah who am I kidding!)
    Merry Xmas and Happy Quilting 2012 .
    Oh yes Festival of quilts is one to think about too

    1. Amy Cavanagh avatar
      Amy Cavanagh

      Hello – I’m in the London area but would love to assist in making wonky stars – by post I suppose? I’ve made 7 so far for my own (future) quilt project so if you need help on yours it will give me inspiration for my own too!!
      Happy New Year!

      1. londonmqg avatar

        Hi Amy – Great to hear you’re interested! I’ll send you an email about next steps. Happy New Year!

    2. londonmqg avatar

      Wonky stars sound brilliant! I’d love to hear more about your project.

  4. Kim McBirnie avatar
    Kim McBirnie

    I’m up in East Yorkshire, but will definitely keep my eye on events & the possibilty of starting a more local group!

    1. londonmqg avatar

      Hi Kim – You’re not the only person who is interested but doesn’t live in London. It’s relatively easy to get your own group going but I also think there will be lots of opportunities for meetups – like the Festival of Quilts mentioned below or Fat Quarterly’s spring event!

  5. Alice Weir avatar

    I live in Kingston and would LOVE to get involved. I was thinking I’d have to set up a branch but I’m glad to see it’s already happening. Fantastic!


  6. Jennifer avatar

    How exciting! I’d love to get involved as alway so jealous of other groups. Have just started a blog so raring to go

  7. Judith avatar

    I live in Kew and would love to get involved. In fact I was hoping aand waiting for a modern quilt gilt to be set up in London.

  8. Sinead avatar

    Oh I’m so excited! I live in south west London and I would love to join in! Thanks for setting it all up!

  9. Shevvy avatar

    I live in SE London as would be interested as well. Not all my quilts qualify as modern but a lot do.


  10. Helen avatar

    I’d love to join! Have emailed you but it came back invalid? I’m in SE London and am really excited for a first meeting!

  11. Christine Haigh avatar
    Christine Haigh

    I live on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent and am very interested in joining this group

    1. Shevvy avatar

      Hi Christine, for some reason I can’t see your email with this comment so can’t get directly in touch with you. Could you please email directly so I can fill you in on what we are up to using londonmqg@gmail.com

      Thanks a lot Siobhan

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